“I left Guiding Light so many times, they ran out of champagne.” Michael Zaslow
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- This new resolve gave her a sort of light-headed self-confidence
- Bad times, hard times – this is what people keep saying; but let us live well, and times shall be good. We are the times: Such as we are, such are the times.”
- May the blessings of light be upon you,
- All the times being like, ‘Who rented this car and why are we going to
- A little known fact…champagne and breathmint are
- And God said, ‘Let there be beer!’ And He saw that is was good.
- And so, you see, ’twas beautiful ale, and I wished to value his kindness
- We desparately rifled through the cupboards, hoping in vain that the
- Some things are better left unsaid. But I’ll probably get drunk and say them anyway.
- You wake up every morning to fight the same demons that left you so tired the night before.”