Oh, lager beer! It makes good cheer, And proves the poor man’s worth; It cools the body through and through, and regulates the health.
More Entries
- Oh, lager beer! It makes good cheer, And proves the poor
- Good day, good health, good cheer, good night!
- Here’s to Champagne, the drink divine, that makes us forget all our
- Reasons why Beer is Better than Women
- Be of good cheer, drink only great beer
- Who-ever makes a poor beer is tranferred to the dung hill
- This physical loathing for alcohol I have never got over
- Your body automatically will reject what it feels is poison
- She is the gin. Cold, intoxicating. Gives you a rush, makes you warm inside
- Bless, O Lord, this creature beer, that Thou hast been pleased to