Alcohol ruins relationships | Alcohol Sayings, Liquor Quotes

And then morning comes And you put on a new face Pretending you know nothing

And then morning comes
And you put on a new face
Pretending you know nothing about the damage you’ve caused the night before
You go on and do your thing
Buttering up your prey knowing how you are going to hurt it later on. Knowing how you’re gonna make it cry! Make it suffer!
It’s almost like you get some sick twisted satisfaction out of it.
Knowing that your pal is waiting for until sunset is what gets you through the day.
The devil in the bottle took you away and now I wonder if he’ll ever give you back.

The devil in the bottle destroys lives, families and careers

The devil in the bottle destroys lives, families and careers.
Yet you are so blind… You don’t see your whole life falling into pieces right in front of your eyes.
You don’t see the hurt you are causing the people you suppose to love.
The damage you are doing to a career that you’ve worked your whole life for
In just one sip… In Just one drop it all becomes nothing. Irrelevant!