Wine Quotes and Sayings | Alcohol Sayings, Liquor Quotes

One should write not unskillfully in the running hand


One should write not unskillfully in the running hand, be able to sing in a pleasing voice and keep good time to music; and, lastly, a man should not refuse a little wine when it is pressed upon him.
Yoshida Kenko 1283 – 1350
Tsurezure – Gusa (Essays in Idleness) [c. 1340]

Mankind . . . possesses two supreme blessings. First of these is the


Mankind . . . possesses two supreme blessings. First of these is the goddess Demeter, or Earth whichever name you choose to call her by. It was she who gave to man his nourishment of grain. But after her there came the son of Semele, who matched her present by inventing liquid wine as his gift to man. For filled with that good gift, suffering mankind forgets its grief; from it comes sleep; with it oblivion of the troubles of the day. There is no other medicine for misery.
Euripides c. 485 – 406 B.C.
The Bacchae [c. 407 B.C.], l. 274